Valley Newborn

Valley Newborn

I cannot describe the joy with which I share this newborn post. Kim and Lisa are some of my dearest friends, and it is my honour to introduce their precious gift, Valley. For some, the road to parenthood isn’t always an easy one, but its always darkest before...

Adelyn Newborn

Beyonce got it all wrong. Who runs the world? BABIES! They run this mother (and father- at least I can make myself laugh!) Babies run the show- whether we realize it right away or not! Adelyn had plans of her own when she decided to come earlier than expected. I think...

Cooper Newborn

Friends, I am so excited to introduce Cooper to you! He is practically perfect in every way. These are our friends, Shawn & Terri, and their precious little boy. I was so excited when they asked me to do their newborn session!   There are some very special...

Jonah Newborn – Regina Family Photographer

Friends, I’m beyond thrilled to be sharing these photos with you today. This post is three LONG years in the making. This post contains a lot of emotion, and a very personal journey. This post is about Charissa & Justin – my sister and brother-in-law...

Regina Baby Photographer – Lucas Newborn

We have long awaited the arrival of this very special little baby boy!  I am pleased to introduce you to my fresh new nephew, Lucas.  My family had the opportunity to go out to Waldheim, Saskatchewan and visit a few days after he was born, and I was able to do some...