Keen Family

Keen Family

The air is crisp, and so are the leaves. Starbucks has pumpkin spice lattes. Boots and scarves are everyday wear. Oh man, fall is here!! I feel kinda like Steve Martin in “The Jerk”… “Fall is here! Fall is here! I’m SOMEBODY again!”...
Pasnak Family

Pasnak Family

The sun has come out. The wind has too. Construction is in abundance. That can only mean one thing- summer is on it’s way! And that means- family sessions! Family sessions are SO much fun! Especially when you add a six year old girl to the mix. You’ve...
Oliver Newborn

Oliver Newborn

I have had the pleasure of taking photos of so many little blessings in the last 6 months! The last little one I met arrived in May, and I’ll be honest guys, he’s my nephew, Oliver. So I may be a little biased, but I think he is pretty dang cute!  We have...
Brenna Newborn

Brenna Newborn

We met John & Ashley a couple of years ago, and then they joined our small group at church. They are the sweetest, most genuine and loving people. When they announced to our group that they were expecting, I was so excited for them, and also for us! Another baby...
Cooper is One!

Cooper is One!

How has a year gone by already?!? It seems like yesterday that we were doing his newborn photos! This is Cooper. Cooper is ONE YEAR OLD!!! I can hardly believe that year went by so quickly! Cooper is celebrating his birthday with the manliest theme of all boy parties-...