You’re not alone.

Apr 11, 2020 | Blog, Our Life

Hey friends, we have been quiet over the last while in regard to everything that has been going on. We all know it’s been more than a little crazy and a lot to deal with. Honestly, on April 1, I kind of hoped the whole world would say, “Just kidding, April Fool’s!” and life would somehow return to normal. Alas, no such luck. But you are not alone!

For us, we started out not really knowing what to think. It seemed like it was so far away, that maybe somehow we would be okay here. But over the last month, it has been anything but far away. This has gotten so, so real. We’ve all seen in the media that there is so much fear, frustration, confusion, worry, depression, loneliness, and for some, outright anger. 

This is such a hard time

My heart breaks for our kids who can’t be in school with their teachers and friends. That they can’t do their outdoor sports that were supposed to be starting up for spring. I feel so bad that their little minds can’t fully comprehend what is going on in the world or the overload of emotions associated with it. But really, can we fully understand our own emotions as adults?!

I can only speak for us, but quite honestly, there have been some really hard days. Days where someone needs to see ANYONE ELSE besides the other people in these walls, and the then-impending frustration knowing that can’t happen. Moments where tempers have flared, or emotions and fear started driving the bus. Adjustments to schedules, rearranging work/life/school and coming out with some crazy hybrid of “normal”. There is nothing like being locked in together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to truly see how you all get along, right?

I love my kids and my spouse and we are doing our best to keep life together flowing in a positive and love-filled environment. To create a new routine and reality – not just trying to recreate what had been, but create something entirely new, can be a challenge. It’s not easy and it isn’t perfect (or sometimes even close to pretty), but so far it’s working. 

We are so blessed to be surrounded by amazing family and friends (virtually, of course). We’re so thankful for technology to stay in touch in the midst of all this. 

For all Canadians, March/April marks the time where we get to come out of our winter hibernation, and enjoy life outdoors. In the photography world, this marks a season where we would be getting back into our photography as we capture engagements, weddings and families. As you might imagine, that isn’t happening for us either.

My heart is breaking for the couples whose weddings are occurring drastically differently during this season or those that have been postponed. The day they have dreamed of and have spent so much time planning, seems to be slipping away. It doesn’t seem fair. 

But there is still beauty that can be found in the unplanned. Just today, we witnessed a friend get married over Facebook live. She and her fiancee stood in a living room and made their vows to one another. Amidst the uncertainty of these times, they decided to move forward together in joy. Maybe it isn’t exactly what they had planned, but the most important part happened- they are man & wife and can weather this storm together. No matter what is going on in the world, beauty can still be found!

We want you to know that we love you. Whether you are our clients, friends, family, or acquaintances – we love you. And not only that, we are here for you. Maybe we can’t be with you physically, but we stand together with you. You are not alone. If you need anything, whether that be food for your bellies or even just an ear to listen, we are here for you. 

This is Easter weekend. A holiday where many gather together to celebrate in various ways with family and friends. But this year, we can’t. 

BUT. You are not alone. You never are. 

At times like this, when we find ourselves lost and confused, we need to remember that God has got it. He cares so deeply for each and every one of us- even down to knowing the exact number of hairs on our heads. I know His heart breaks to see the world hurting in the way that it is and to see so many people so lost and alone.

This phrase “God’s got it” has been a key phrase to our family for a few years now. Sometimes it is said as a statement of confidence and belief that we know that God has His hand on a certain situation, so we do not have to worry. But there are other times when it is said as a reminder of something we know is true, but can’t quite understand. When something that seems insurmountable is in our path, but we choose to step out in faith, reminding ourselves that, no matter what, God’s got it. And that there is some plan or purpose in the challenge we’re facing.

No matter how crazy life gets or how plans have or will change, know that you are loved. First and foremost by God, but also by us. And that we are here for you. You are not alone!

As we say on our About page, and we fully stand by: “You are seen. You are worthy. You are loved. You have a story to tell. And we can’t wait to help you tell it” (once we are allowed to be together again).

Please reach out if you should need anything. We love you and are here for you. We’re all in this together – remember that you are not alone!

Blessings and Happy Easter,

Cam & Courtney

Better Together. You are not alone!


  1. Ahh, I just needed to hear those words right now. Thanks Courtney ????

  2. Beautifully expressed. Love you all.

  3. Love you too. You have such incredible capacity to give and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. So thankful for you and your hearts.


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Cam & Courtney - Husband & Wife Wedding Photography Team in Regina, Saskatchewan

We are Cam & Courtney Liske, a husband and wife photography team based out of Regina, Saskatchewan. We specialize in capturing the special moments of your life – engagement, wedding, and family. We believe in curating an experience and product that you will treasure and pass on for generations to come.

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