Summer in Saskatchewan 2017 | Sherwood Forest

Aug 29, 2017 | Blog, Our Life

One of my best friends growing up (and still today!) had a cottage at Sherwood Forest Golf & Country Club. I spent a lot of summers hanging out there. We walked the trails, maybe even blazing a few of our own, always on the lookout for snakes so I could run away. Attempted to golf with my friend’s dad, only to learn that I was terrible, and should just stop playing forever. Many a hot day was spent in the pool, floating on the dock, chatting about our dreams or cute boys. We were regular patrons at the clubhouse, buying our weight in 5 cent strawberry marshmallows. There were some SOLID dance routines that came out of our summers at Sherwood. Some that I could likely recall to this day… Summer after summer went by, each bringing new memories.


My aunt and uncle now have a place at Sherwood Forest, which excites my childhood heart. Even more, it makes me so excited for my kids! They get to experience the fun of exploring nature. Swimming in the pool (read: dugout) that has almost doubled in size since I was young! Trying to cram as many people and items as they can onto the golf cart, and not let anything fall off. S’mores by the fire, and then coming home smelling like campfire. Ah!! I love every little thing about it.


We were invited to invade my aunt’s place while she was on holidays for the week. What better way to spend a hot summer day than lounging in a giant inflatable donut. Being gluten free, I haven’t had a decent donut in YEARS so this has now become my favourite kind of donut! The day was perfect- we brought snacks, sand toys, and just lounged. Enjoyed being outside, playing with the kids, knowing that full well they would have butts FULL of sand when we got home. Toes in the water, bum in the sand, it is therapeutic for me! If you find you’re in need of some beach therapy, I’d recommend you check it out!


{ Sherwood Forest Golf & Country Club }


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Cam & Courtney - Husband & Wife Wedding Photography Team in Regina, Saskatchewan

We are Cam & Courtney Liske, a husband and wife photography team based out of Regina, Saskatchewan. We specialize in capturing the special moments of your life – engagement, wedding, and family. We believe in curating an experience and product that you will treasure and pass on for generations to come.

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