Our 20th Wedding Anniversary

Jul 10, 2024 | Blog, Our Life

Celebrating Two Decades of Laughter, Love, and Growth: A 20th Anniversary Reflection

Today, my heart overflows with a love that has endured for over two decades. It’s our 20th wedding anniversary, a milestone that feels more like a beginning.

I can remember Grade 8 Cam finding a new best friend. We had relatively known each other before that as we grew up attending the same church but it wasn’t until my grade 8 year that we connected. There was something different about this girl. We just connected.

Since grade 8 I knew she was the one. I remember early, early on walking through the mall just wanting for our hands to graze across the other. Spending time together and just making each other laugh. I felt like I was a weird, awkward young boy – who are we kidding, that’s exactly what I was. But this girl saw me. The true me and she accepted my “weird and awkward.”

I have told many people this story, but I asked Courtney out for 6 years in a row and she consistently said, “No”. She didn’t want to “ruin the friendship” (every guy’s worst nightmare). As hard as that was, I knew she was the one for me. And as Courtney says, she “said yes when it mattered.”

When we started dating in 2002, I felt like I had won the lottery. I could not believe this amazing, beautiful, intelligent, sporty, God-loving girl liked me too. I was blown away. The moment that she knew it too – a silly Seinfeld quote, but that was the thing that put it over the edge for her. I was her guy.

In the fall of 2003, I made a trip back to Regina from Calgary where I was attending bible college. I had arranged for a radio station to play one of “our songs” – The Turtles, “Happy Together.” To her surprise, I also came home that weekend. I woke her up before sunrise one morning and invited her to join me to watch the sunrise at the city’s edge. We sat and watch the beauty of God’s creation.

I had created a small storybook – the read-along style with narration and music and even the “you’ll know it’s time to turn the page when…”. Cheesy, I know, but for me it was perfect. There was even a section in there about growing old together, which led her to believe I was about to propose, but it didn’t happen.

We finished listening to the book and then sat out on the hood of my car as the sun rose. I pulled out my guitar and played her a song I wrote for her. I am definitely not the best musician, but there is something so special about a song written from the heart and sung directly to the girl you love. After I finished the song, I knelt down to pack up my guitar, when I secretly grabbed a ring box from inside my guitar case. As I was still kneeling, I turned to Courtney and asked her to marry me. This can be such a scary moment, but when you know you know. Courtney without hesitation said “YES!”

By far the best decision of my life! I had found a true partner.

We were young, I’ll grant you that. But I would not change a thing. As we began our married life, we were each other’s support system, confidants, and challengers.

As the years past, we began to plan for a family. Filled with excitement as we welcomed each one of our children. Courtney is such an amazing mother! We were on this journey of family together and there is no one I would rather be on this journey with. Watching as she mothered Ashton, Hayden and Judah was a pure delight. These kids are the joys of our life, but watching her be a mother to them completely warmed my heart!

Over the years, with all the joys, there have been many struggles. Sometimes not even knowing which way is up. From health issues, to job issues, to life issues. Life is hard. But Courtney is my rock. We have gone through the wringer in our share of trials, and the only thing that has kept us going was two things: 1) Our love for one another and 2) The fact that God is in control. He’s got it!

Through it all, Courtney has been my unwavering source of support. Her grace, even in the face of adversity, is an inspiration that continues to move me every single day. These past twenty years have been an incredible adventure, a tapestry woven with threads of laughter, tears, and the unwavering strength of our love. We’ve planned for our future, reminiscing about our past, and cherished the moments of the present. All hand-in-hand.

I am so thrilled to have a partner who will journey with me – through thick and thin – and literally travel the world. Every day forward is another day that we can look out and say, “Adventure is Out There!” Adventure isn’t always gravy, but it is still an adventure.

As we have gone through times of trouble, I knew that we would continue to lift each other up. To remind each other of the truths that we grew up with. The truth that God is with us EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! In this adventure that we are on together, we are not alone. Not even alone together. We are on it with God. He is our guiding light. He is our life and truth.

Courtney is a mother, wife and woman whose strength transcends physical power. It’s the unshakeable courage she possesses that makes her so remarkable. Her humility keeps me grounded, and her integrity guides me through the most difficult decisions. Her compassion knows no bounds, and her grace seems boundless. Even in the darkest times, her resilience and faith have shone through, making every moment with her a blessing.

(cue: No One’s Gonna Love You More by Band of Horses)

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, it feels surreal to think that I’ve known Courtney for such a significant portion of my life. Our journey has been a beautiful unfolding, guided by God and fueled by the love we share. Through it all, we’ve grown deeper in our understanding of each other and stronger in our bond.

Not to mention, Courtney is one of the only people who gets my humour or is an absolute goofball with me. To find humour and joy in the things that don’t seem to warrant it. When life feels “too serious”, she is the one to break out of the funk with me, and to find the joy – even when there seems to be little joy. To remind me of the life that God has blessed us with.

We are also business partners. Our wedding couples know this, but the reason we do what we do is because marriage is so important to us. Not just the wedding day, but your marriage. Plus for us, each one of the weddings we shoot is actually a “date day” that I get to set aside to spend with my best friend, doing something we love – photographing and building into marriages of other people. It is an absolute thing of beauty and I LOVE it!

It honestly blows my mind that it has already been 20 years! Our 20th anniversary! But at the same time, it feels like we have been together for a lifetime – in the best way possible. This is only the beginning. God-willing, I cannot wait for the next 20. And the next 40. And the next 60.

Courtney, words fail to capture the depth of my love for you. Every memory is a treasure, and every moment by your side is a gift. My heart is brimming with excitement and I look forward to creating countless more memories. In just 50 days, we’ll embark on a bucket-list trip, a chance to celebrate our love, forge new memories, and savour the extraordinary life we’ve built together.

You are my best friend!

I cannot wait for the next adventures that God has in store for us. Through the good, the bad and the ugly – I am your partner and will forever continue to love, honour, and serve you.

Happy 20th anniversary to the most incredible partner, teammate, and best friend. I thank God for you, every single day.

With all my love,



(related: About Us)

20th Anniversary - Engagement session - at Walmart
20th Anniversary - Pop walking Courtney down the aisle at our wedding
20th Anniversary - Hugging Pop at our wedding
20th Anniversary - Exchanging Rings
20th Anniversary - Our first kiss
20th Anniversary - Recessional
20th Anniversary - Outside Faith Baptist Church
20th Anniversary - Driving away as newly-weds
20th Anniversary - Photos at legislative
20th Anniversary - Photos at legislative on the marble in Black and White
20th Anniversary - Photos at legislative - Cooling off with the marble
20th Anniversary - Photos at legislative
20th Anniversary - Photos at legislative - Family photos
20th Anniversary - Mr & Mrs Liske
20th Anniversary - Mr & Mrs Liske - In the park
20th Anniversary - Mr & Mrs Liske - In the park2
20th Anniversary - Travel companions
20th Anniversary - Ashton is born
20th Anniversary - Hayden is born
20th Anniversary - at Taylor Field
20th Anniversary - Trip to Australia
20th Anniversary - Getting ready for Rwanda
20th Anniversary - Fun with Courtney
20th Anniversary - Family photos
20th Anniversary - Beach photoshoot
20th Anniversary - The love of my life
20th Anniversary - Beach photos with the kids
20th Anniversary - My partner and business partner
20th Anniversary - Fun with the the family
20th Anniversary - My partner

1 Comment

  1. Happy anniversary!!! What a great post. Enjoy your special trip.


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Cam & Courtney - Husband & Wife Wedding Photography Team in Regina, Saskatchewan

We are Cam & Courtney Liske, a husband and wife photography team based out of Regina, Saskatchewan. We specialize in capturing the special moments of your life – engagement, wedding, and family. We believe in curating an experience and product that you will treasure and pass on for generations to come.

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