BOY: (noun)
- A noise with dirt on it.
Little boys are sooo much fun to have around. There is never a shortage of things to do when you are with them. Limitless opportunities surround them in everyday objects. Every cardboard box could be a rocket ship to the moon, a boat, a barn, or a bear cave. In 10 minutes (or less) spent with a little boy, you will learn more than you ever thought possible about dinosaurs, sharks, tractors or other construction equipment. Hugs and kisses may sometimes be in short supply, but when they come, those are the ones worth waiting for! Thankfully, Ephraim is still in the snuggly newborn stage, and I got my auntie snuggles in big time!
Cam & I took our kids out to Waldheim to meet their new cousin, Ephraim. He is the youngest of four precious little men for Cam’s sister and her husband. These boys have all kinds of good ideas that keep their parents guessing. Add our three kids into the mix, and it is pretty much a perfect storm! There are giggles, costume clad superheroes, and the occasional spat coming from the basement, but they love their cousins so much! I’m so excited to see them grow up together!
Ephraim is such a content and easy going baby. It amazes me to think how much babies can hear inside their mom’s tummy. I think the soothing sounds of his three brothers must have been what calmed him in utero, as he sleeps best when he can hear people nearby! We love you so much, sweet Ephraim, and cannot wait to watch you grow, praying for the man that you will become.
Auntie Courtney & Uncle Cam
{ Ephraim Newborn }