We met John & Ashley a couple of years ago, and then they joined our small group at church. They are the sweetest, most genuine and loving people. When they announced to our group that they were expecting, I was so excited for them, and also for us! Another baby to cuddle, I mean, who would ever pass that up?!
Precious little Brenna was born in April 2017, and oh my goodness, this girl is adorable! Whenever I get to go to someone’s home to do newborn photos, I get to wander around the house to see what we could use for the shoot. Brenna’s room is filled with so many special things. Ashley’s parents had kept so many things from her childhood that she will now get to pass on to Brenna- I love that so much!
John & Ashley had both admitted to us that they didn’t have much practice with babies. Seeing them with Brenna in their arms, you would never know! They have both grown into their roles as mom and dad to Brenna very quickly. And it is VERY clear already, that Brenna has John wrapped around her adorable little fingers.
John & Ashley, it is an honour for me to capture these moments of your family together. To watch as you cuddle your precious girl, interpreting every coo and cry. John, you are such a protective and watchful father. As I photographed you with Brenna, all I could think was how blessed this little life is to have you watching out for her. Guaranteed, all the boys in her life will be afraid. Or, if not, they should be! You definitely have that ferocious papa bear kind of love- I can tell already. :)
Ashley, you have grown into motherhood with such grace. In the beginning, there are so many things as moms that we think “why did nobody bother to tell me this?!?” Through every new part of this adventure, I’ve seen your smiling face. Whether you realize it now or not, that will be a tremendous blessing and inspiration to Brenna. Modelling joy and thankfulness in your day-to-day life will have a direct impact on how she sees and interacts with the world around her. She is one blessed little lady to have both of you.
Cam and I are so thankful for your friendship, and consider it a huge honour to walk alongside you as you raise Brenna.
{ Brenna Newborn }